Resources for English Learners
GRATIS: Classes de Inglés
Aprenda inglés como lengua extranjera o Mejore su inglés
First Baptist Church
Los miércoles 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Los jueves 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Niñera gratis
Las fechas de clase siguen el calendario de las escuelas de Hart County
Llame al 706-376-3151 para más información
FREE English Classes
Learn English as a Second Language or Improve Your English
First Baptist Church
Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Thursdays 9:30 - 11:00 AM
Free Childcare Available
Class dates follow Hart County's school calendar.
Call 706-376-3151 for more information.
Clever Login Portal
Clever makes it easy to connect students with learning apps such as Study Island and Exact Path.
Storyline Online
Storyline Online streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong love of reading.