• Hart County Charter System will focus on the following initiatives as we seek to meet our system mission to prepare all individuals to meet tomorrow’s challenges by providing quality educational opportunities today.

    1. High Expectations for All
    2. Literacy
    3. College and Career Preparation

    Goal 1: Meet one of the below criteria by increasing the score by at least 10% of the gap between 100% and the previous year’s score

    a. Increase the CCRPI Content Mastery score each year
    b. Increase the CCRPI Progress score each year
    c. Achieve a Positive Value-Added Impact Score
    d. Beat the Odds
    e. Increase CCRPI by 4% of the gap between 100 and the previous CCRPI

    Goal 2: During each year of its charter term, the total number of schools with a Climate Star Rating of 4 or 5 will increase each year to 100%
    Goal 3: The Charter System will operate in a fiscally sound manner as measured by GADOE Audits and Accounts
    Goal 4: The charter will foster individual school governance

    a. All school governance team members will complete annual governance training
    b. All school Governing teams will meet a minimum of six times each school year
    c. All School Governing teams will have representation from a variety of stakeholders
    d. The charter system will maintain a spreadsheet listing decisions being made my school governance teams in each of the areas of their influence.

Archived Charter System Documents

  • What is a Charter System?


    A local district that has an executed charter from the State Board of Education (SBOE) that grants the district flexibility from almost all of Title 20, SBOE rules, and Georgia Department of Education guidelines

    Facts and Features

    • The charter is a contract between the district and SBOE 
    • The district gains flexibility to innovate in exchange for increased academic accountability
    • There is an emphasis on school-based leadership and decision-making


    • Increased school-level autonomy and accountability
    • Financial savings possible from waivers
    • Additional per-pupil funding in QBE if appropriated

    Federal/State Compliance

    • Must comply with all federal laws and regulations 
    • Must comply with all state laws, rules, and regulations that cannot be waived such as health and safety regulations