
    We are very pleased to announce that Hartwell Elementary School is a High-Progress Reward School. 

    The Georgia Department of Education’s (Department's) Academic Achievement Awards Program honors and rewards K-12 Title I schools and school districts for significant progress in improving student achievement and/or making significant progress in closing the achievement gaps. Georgia’s ESEA Flexibility Waiver has allowed the state’s Title Programs Division to move from the ESEA’s Distinguished School and Distinguished District Awards Program to the Reward School and Reward District Program. 

    The Title I Reward Schools Program recognizes and honors two categories of Reward Schools:  Highest-Performing Reward Schools and High-Progress Reward Schools.

    High-Progress Reward School

     Based on the definition of Reward Schools found in the ESEA Flexibility waiver, the High-Progress Reward Schools that are among the highest 10-percent of the Title I schools in the state.  Calculations to identify these schools are based on the achievement of the “all students” group in terms of proficiency on the statewide assessments that are part the SEA’s differentiated recognition, accountability, and support system.  Highest-Performing Reward Schools will be identified annually.

     Student Growth Percentiles are utilized for calculating progress on the CCRPI. The Progress component of the CCRPI represents 25 points of the 100 point total.  The percent demonstrating typical/high growth is multiplied by 25 points to derive the points earned for Progress.


    Read more here.