Updated 12/15/2020
Holiday Closure
The health and well-being of students and staff remain top priorities for the school district. Unfortunately, the number of positive COVID-19 cases within our local community and school system continue to rise. Staff quarantines have made it increasingly difficult to maintain adequate staffing. Therefore, Christmas break will begin a little sooner than originally scheduled. All schools will be closed on December 16, 17, and 18. Instruction will not be provided to students on these dates.
Please use this time to keep your families at home, monitor physical symptoms, and get well. We look forward to welcoming students back into the school buildings on January 6, 2021. Enjoy the holiday season and have a blessed Christmas!Back to School Blast
The Chamber of Commerce Back to School Blast will take place on Saturday, July 25th from 9:00-11:00. Parents are asked to enter the parking lot across from the Board of Education Office and follow the signs to pick up the supply Bags. Students must be in the vehicle to receive a supply bag. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce and all of the Organizations for their donated supplies.
Online Virtual School Questions and Registration
The registration deadline for the virtual option is July 30, 2020. A parent’s decision will be enforced for the entire first semester, which is scheduled to end on December 18, 2020. To register for virtual learning, complete the registration form using this link: Registration is now closed. The deadline of July 30, 2020 will be strictly enforced so as to allow the district to plan accordingly.
Please review the Frequently Updated Questions Page as it has been updated with new information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zBWYsXFmuLgPGjPxndwHQeutzTFTf-OXSto_smFslDE/edit?usp=sharing
Transportation Announcement:
As you know, schools are limiting traffic flow within buildings for the upcoming school year. Therefore, North Hart Elementary and South Hart Elementary will no longer serve as drop-off sites for students needing bus transportation to and from Hart County Middle School and/or Hart County High School. In other words, in order for students in grades 6 through 12 to be transported to and from the middle school and/or the high school, they must be picked up and dropped off at their respective homes.
If this change necessitates a change for your child, please complete a transportation request form prior to August 17th. For incoming sixth and ninth graders, transportation request forms will be available during Meet the Teacher events. For incoming seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders, transportation request forms are available at the Hart County Board of Education.
Thanks in advance for working with us to make this year a success!
2020-2021 Hart County Charter System
Instructional OptionsUpdated: July 14, 2020
On July 13, 2020, members of the Hart County Board of Education voted to adjust the 2020-2021 school calendar. The first day of school for students will now be August 17, 2020. Specific details regarding school start-up, including open house dates for all schools, will be released in the coming weeks.
School will begin with two instructional options: in-person and virtual. The in-person option will comply with guidelines set forth by the Governor and the Georgia Department of Education. Those interested in participating in the virtual option will be required to register. The registration deadline for the virtual option is July 30, 2020. A parent’s decision will be enforced for the entire first semester, which is scheduled to end on December 18, 2020.
Traditional, In-Person Option
The in-person option is the default option. If a student is not registered for the virtual option by July 30, he/she will be scheduled for traditional, in-person learning.
- This option will follow the Georgia Department of Education’s Path to Recovery.
- Teachers will begin the year instructing and modeling the use of Google Classroom sites, which offer access to instruction and assignments. This will be vital to your child’s success should the district experience required school closures in the coming months.
- Additional processes and procedures will be in place to limit the spread of germs so as to provide safe, engaging learning experiences for all.
K-5 Virtual Option
The K-5 virtual learning option will NOT look the same as the virtual experience offered at the conclusion of the 19-20 school year. Expectations for participation, attendance, and work completion will be similar to the district’s in-person option. Students will participate in five, full school days each week (unless the calendar allows for a holiday). Specific details and training will be shared before this option begins. This option will require a significant commitment from both parents/guardians and students.
Important notes regarding K-5 virtual learning:
- The Hart County Charter System will staff in-person and virtual learning options with existing teachers. At the elementary level, the teacher assigned to your child may not physically work at your child’s zoned school. For example, a first grade teacher from Hartwell Elementary may serve first graders from Hartwell Elementary, North Hart Elementary, and South Hart Elementary.
- The virtual learning commitment will remain in effect for the entire first semester (August through December) and cannot be changed.
- Assessments, such as chapter and unit tests, quizzes, MAP benchmarks, etc., may be completed after regular school hours and on school campuses. In such cases, social distancing guidelines will be practiced, and parents will wait outside school buildings for their students.
- Students will attend and participate in daily, video lessons. Attendance will be taken.
- Students will complete all assignments provided by teachers.
- Teachers will provide video-based instruction similar to classroom instruction through their classroom Educam System.
- Teachers will provide classwork and homework via Google Classroom and other various software programs, and feedback will be provided to monitor students’ progress.
- Teachers will be available to answer questions during class periods and pre-arranged ‘office’ hours.
- Parents/Guardians will be responsible for providing reliable internet service.
- Schools will provide Chromebooks for students in need of a device.
- Participation grades will not be awarded to students. Grades will reflect academic performance.
- Students will be responsible for adhering to the procedures and guidelines located in the Hart County Charter System Chromebook Digital Citizenship Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy.
To register for virtual learning, click the registration link at the bottom of this document. The deadline of July 30, 2020 will be strictly enforced so as to allow the district to plan accordingly.
6-12 Virtual Option
The 6-12 virtual learning option will NOT look the same as the virtual experience offered at the conclusion of the 19-20 school year. Expectations for participation, attendance, and work completion will be similar to the district’s in-person option. Students will participate in five, full school days each week (unless the calendar allows for a holiday). Specific details and training will be shared before this option begins. This option will require a significant commitment from both parents/guardians and students.
Important notes regarding 6-12 virtual learning:
- The Hart County Charter System will staff in-person and virtual learning options with existing teachers.
- Students will attend scheduled classes via Google Meet. Attendance will be taken.
- Students will complete all assignments provided by teachers.
- Assessments, such as chapter tests, quizzes, MAP benchmarks, etc., may be completed after regular school hours and on school campuses. In such cases, social distancing guidelines will be practiced, and parents will wait outside school buildings for their students.
- Teachers will provide video-based instruction similar to classroom instruction through their classroom Educam System.
- Teachers will provide classwork and homework via Google Classroom and other various software programs, and feedback will be provided to monitor students’ progress.
- Teachers will be available to answer questions during class periods and during pre-arranged ‘office’ hours.
- Parents/Guardians will be responsible for providing reliable internet service.
- Schools will provide Chromebooks for students in need of a device.
- Participation grades will not be awarded to students. Grades will reflect academic performance.
- Students will be responsible for adhering to the procedures and guidelines located in the Hart County Charter System Chromebook Digital Citizenship Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy.
To register for virtual learning, complete the registration form using this link: Registration is now closed. The deadline of July 30, 2020 will be strictly enforced so as to allow the district to plan accordingly.
For Questions, please contact one of the following and or submit your question on to our online form.
In addition, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions Document for any questions
Important Phone Numbers and Names
Hartwell Elementary: 706-376-4425, Principal Lydia Bennett
North Hart Elementary: 706-856-7369, Principal Haley Smith
South Hart Elementary: 706-856-7383, Principal J.T. Stewart
Hart County Middle School: 706-376-5431, Principal Jackie Brock
Hart County High School: 706-376-5461, Principal Kevin Gaines
Hart County Board of Education: 706-376-5141
Independent Learning for Hart County Charter System
April 23, 2020-- Hart County Schools families, please note a few updates regarding learning packets and meal distribution announced today. The last round of learning packets will be distributed at elementary schools from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, April 27, for 1st-5th grades and Tuesday, April 28, for Pre-K and Kindergarten. At the time of pick up, please return the second learning packet (your child is currently working on the second packet) and any other completed work. Please make sure your child’s packet is clearly labeled with his/her first and last name. You may also return any library books that you are finished reading.
The last learning packets are due back to school from 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, May 15 for Pre-K through 2nd grade, and Monday, May 18 for 3rd-5th grades. Please make sure that all completed learning packets, Chromebooks, textbooks, library books, and any other school materials are turned in on these dates.
Schools are currently working on refunds for field trip payments, and are still waiting on payment to be returned from several vendors. Refunds will be available for pick-up at assigned schools from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday, May 15 for Pre-K through 2nd grade, and Monday, May 18 for 3rd-5th grades.
Additionally, meal distribution will resume on Monday, April 27. Meals will be distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays through the end of the school year. The last day for meal distribution will be Thursday, May 14. You may pick up meals your assigned elementary school between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., and bus distribution will also occur for those who are signed up.
If you have any additional questions, please be in touch with your school and please stay connected through their website and social media pages as updates are provided.
April 13, 2020-- Hart County Schools families, please note a few changes starting today. You may pick up new work packets from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, April 13, or Tuesday, April 14, at your assigned school. If you have any questions, please contact you schools as you have been assigned in the past two weeks.
Meal distribution schedules have also been altered. Starting Monday, April 13, you may pick up meals on from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at your assigned elementary school. You will receive two days worth of meals on Mondays and Thursdays. If you require meals to be brought to you, please contact Nutrition Director Courtney Hart to see if you qualify and to make arrangements. She can be reached at chart@hart.k12.ga.us or 706-856-7294.
Hart County Charter System has announced that May 15, 2020 will be the last day of the academic year. Online learning and grading will continue through Friday, May 15. Distribution schedules associated with work packets will be communicated by principals.A Google map to area WiFi Smartbus locations can be found on our website, here.For additional information regarding instructional technology, click here https://www.hart.k12.ga.us/Page/152Graduation will be postponed, not canceled. Once public gatherings are permissible, a graduation date will be established and announced.The system will utilize May 18-27 for finalizing grades, collecting Chromebooks, creating remediation and acceleration plans for the 2020-2021 school year, collecting completed work packets, and cleaning classrooms.Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten has been postponed and new days and times will be announced at a later date.Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for any additional details during this ever-evolving situation.Thank you for your continued patience and support as we all strive to adjust during this ever-evolving situation. We are #OneHartBeat strong!
April 2, 2020-- On Wednesday, April 1, 2020, Gov. Brian Kemp issued an Executive Order will close school campuses for the remainder of the school year to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Hart County Charter System has announced that May 15, 2020 will be the last day of the academic year. Online learning and grading will continue through Friday, May 15. Distribution schedules associated with work packets will be communicated by principals.Graduation will be postponed, not canceled. Once public gatherings are permissible, a graduation date will be established and announced.The system will utilize May 18-27 for finalizing grades, collecting Chromebooks, creating remediation and acceleration plans for the 2020-2021 school year, collecting completed work packets, and cleaning classrooms.Please stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for any additional details during this ever-evolving situation.Thank you for your continued support of the Hart County Charter System! We are #OneHartBeat strong!April 1, 2020-- In accordance with Gov. Brian Kemp’s executive order announced today, the Hart County Charter System will remain closed for in-person learning throughout the 2019-2020 school year. Students will continue completing work packets and electronic learning assignments for the duration of April and May.
Details regarding the distribution of additional work packets for younger students as well as the collection of district-owned materials, such as Chromebooks, will be communicated at a later date.
We recognize these challenging times, and we are extremely thankful for the partnerships between parents, teachers and administrators. Parents, please continue to share your child’s strength and at-home learning experiences with us. If we can be of assistance to your family during this time, let us know. We are here to serve you throughout the coming days and weeks.
Please note meal distribution will continue, however it will not be held April 6-10 for Spring Break.
Please continue communication with your school and your child’s teachers.
Please check back here and to our Facebook page for any updates as this is an ever-evolving situation. Independent learning days will continue, with Smartbus WiFi locations accessible throughout the county.
For Hart County Wifi Smartbus locations, click here: Google map
For additional information regarding instructional techonology, click here https://www.hart.k12.ga.us/Page/152
Schools will remain on Spring Break from April 6-10. Announcements regarding prom and senior graduation will be announced at a later date.
Meal distribution will continue at elementary schools for students 18 years-old and younger, from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. on regular school days. Meals will not be distributed during Spring Break.
Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten has been postponed and new days and times will be announced at a later date.
Additional details will be provided as they are known.
March 26, 2020-- Following an Executive Order mandated for the state by Gov. Brian Kemp today, Hart County Schools will remain closed for in-person instruction through April 24th, and students may return on Monday, April 27th. Prior to this date, the Governor will make a decision on the remainder of the school year.
Please check back here and to our Facebook page for any updates as this is an ever-evolving situation. Independent learning days will continue, with Smartbus WiFi locations accessible throughout the county.
For Hart County Wifi Smartbus locations, click here: Google map
For additional information regarding instructional techonology, click here https://www.hart.k12.ga.us/Page/152
Schools will remain on Spring Break from April 6-10. Announcements regarding prom and senior graduation will be announced at a later date.
Meal distribution will continue at elementary schools for students 18 years-old and younger, from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. on regular school days. Meals will not be distributed during Spring Break.
Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten has been postponed and new days and times will be announced at a later date.
March 26, 2020-- Following an Executive Order mandated for the state by Gov. Brian Kemp today, Hart County Schools will remain closed for in-person instruction through April 24th, and students may return on Monday, April 27th. Prior to this date, the Governor will make a decision on the remainder of the school year.
Please check back here and to our Facebook page for any updates as this is an ever-evolving situation. Independent learning days will continue, with Smartbus WiFi locations accessible throughout the county.
For Hart County Wifi Smartbus locations, click here: Google map
For additional information regarding instructional technology, click here https://www.hart.k12.ga.us/Page/152
Schools will remain on Spring Break from April 6-10. Announcements regarding prom and senior graduation will be announced at a later date.
Meal distribution will continue at elementary schools for students 18 years-old and younger, from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. on regular school days. Meals will not be distributed during Spring Break.
Registration for Pre-K and Kindergarten has been postponed and new days and times will be announced at a later date.
Opciones de Enseñanza
2021 Hart County Charter System Instructional Options Spanish.pdf 137.27 KB (Last Modified on July 14, 2020)