What is PBIS?

  • About PBIS

    pbis1  P.B.I.S. stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, and is an organized, data-driven system of interventions and strategies that addresses school-wide, as well as individualized behavior planning, by utilizing research and data-based information to maintain up-to-date best practice strategies. P.B.I.S. assists Hart County Schools in increasing the capacity to understand and effectively respond to problematic behaviors, while likewise developing a structure for reducing frequent, minor behavior issues by fostering a positive and preventative approach. P.B.I.S. positively impacts school culture through the nurturing of a unified, systemic approach and a modern philosophy for working with children and meeting them where they are. 

    What is P.B.I.S.

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone – especially students with disabilities – to create the kinds of schools where all students are successful.   

    What does P.B.I.S. look like in Hart County Schools?

    The administration, faculty, and staff at each of Hart County's School locations have collaborated to create school-wide expectations that are clear and visible to students. School-wide expectations, which are unique to each location and its student population, are reinforced daily in a variety of ways.  

    Students often receive an abundance of verbal praise, along with a high five and always a smile and consistent reinforcement of good behavior. In addition, students can earn tangible tickets and/or digital points for demonstrating responsible and safe behaviors that can be cashed in for rewards.  

    As well as reinforcing positive behaviors, Hart County Schools also employ a positive approach to discipline. When a consequence is given, it is used as a teaching opportunity.  The time is spent reinforcing expectations and teaching any lagging skills using modeling and practice. 

    P.B.I.S. is not just another program that we use within Hart County Schools -- it is who we are and what we do!  kind









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