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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Provisional Enrollment - How long do I have to submit all "required" verification to maintain my child's enrollment in school?

A:  The Hart County Charter System (LEA), must provisionally enroll the student and give parent, guardian, or other person in control or charge of a child an minimum of 30 days to satisfy all of the documentation requirements.  LEA's should still work to get all documentation during school normal registration periods and provisional enrollment should be implemented as an exception, rather than a rule. It should be implemented in instances where the parent, guardian, grandparent, or other person needs additional time to procure certain documents or evidence.  In Hart County, Social Services coordinator provides provisional enrollment support to attendance and enrollment staff at each of the 5 schools. 


Q: Online School- Can I withdraw my child from their school and enroll them in school online?

A: Yes, Georgia Cyber Academy  and Georgia Connections Academy are two public online school options that your child can attend for free if the online schools have available slots. 


Q: Home Schools- May I home school my child and how do I go about doing this? 

A:  The Georgia Department of Education does not supply the cirriculum, materials or resources for home school. The law requires the five content areas :

  • Mathematics, 
  • English Language Arts,
  • Science,
  • Social Studies, and
  • Reading

     For More Information please visit Registering & Rules for Home School

Q: Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren- What are the circumstances and guidelines for grandparents raising grandchildrenin Georgia and how does it affect the child's education/school enrollment and health care?

A: The statutory Power of Attorney for the care of a minor child may be used to grant agent grandparent powers over the minor child's enrollment in school, medical, dental, and mental health care, food, lodging, recreation, travel, and any additional powers, as specified by the parent.