If your child requires the administration of medicine(s) during school hours, you must send the medication(s) in the original prescription container(s). All medications must be delivered by the parent or guardian to the school office immediately upon arrival at school. They must be in original pharmaceutical containers, clearly labeled as to the name of the student, the name of the medication, the appropriate dosage, and the times for dosage. Include a note to the school stating at what time the medication(s) should be administered to your child. Prescription medication will be administered according to Hart County Board of Education policy. As long as prescribed and/or over-the-counter medicine is administered in accordance with the schedule/directions as described by the parent/guardian, the Hart County Board of Education is released from any liability in the event of injury or adverse effects to the child as a result of the administering of such medication. Any student possessing prescription or over-the-counter medication not in accordance with these guidelines will be considered in violation of the system’s drug policy and shall be subject to the discipline set forth in the student code of conduct and/or student/parent handbook. Students are not allowed to bring medication to school by bus unless the medication is delivered to the bus driver and then delivered to a staff member at the school.
A student, for whom the school has on file supporting medical documentation, may carry at all times, with parental/guardian permission, inhalers for asthma, auto-injectable epinephrine for allergic reactions and medical needs for diabetes. Students authorized to self-administer such medications shall be instructed not to permit any other student to handle, possess, or otherwise attempt to use his/her medication. Violations of such instructions will be dealt with in accordance with the student code of conduct.
In order for the student to carry and self-administer such medications, or in order for the school to store and administer the medication for students who are unable to self-administer because of age or any other reason, parents must provide a written statement from a licensed physician confirming that the student is able to self-administer the medication, if applicable. Written permission from the parent for the nurse or designated employee to consult with the doctor regarding any questions that may arise concerning the medication, may be requested. Such permission shall release the system and its employees and agents from civil liability for administering such medication to students, or if the self-administering student suffers an adverse reaction as a result of self- administration of such medication. Parents are encouraged to provide duplicate medication and supplies to the school; in the event a student is unable to self-administer or fails to bring the medication or equipment to school.
Nurses or other school employees are authorized to administer an auto-injectable epinephrine, if available, to a student who is having an actual or perceived anaphylactic adverse (allergic) reaction, regardless of whether the student has a prescription for epinephrine. Any school employee who in good faith administers or chooses not to administer an auto-injectable epinephrine to a student in such circumstances, shall be immune from civil liability.