What is CTAE?
Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education (CTAE) integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational skills to prepare students for post-secondary education and the workforce. The state of Georgia has identified 17 Career Clusters that are structured to prepare students for Georgia's workforce.
Georgia's 17 Career Cluster Models represents multiple pathways, which guides students to success for college preparation and career development. The curriculum for each cluster is based on a set of common knowledge, skills, and abilities that prepare students for various opportunities. These opportunities include, but are not limited to, advanced curriculum, Move On When Ready (MOWR), Work-based Learning (WBL), career awareness, career development and employability skills. Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education is the cornerstone for preparing students to be "College and Career Ready."
- To prepare Hart County Charter System students to compete in a global and technological society
- To prepare students to enter and meet the needs of a high demand and highly skilled workforce
- To prepare students for post-secondary options without the need for remediation
- To prepare students to become self-directed and lifelong learners
- To develop socially conscious students
- To expose elementary and middle grade students to career awareness