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Middle School CTAE

Middle School CTAE

Designed to meet the needs of young adolescents (ages 10-15), middle school CTAE program bridge the gap between elementary and high school by providing students with an opportunity to explore career pathways in a safe, nurturing, and positive environment.

CTAE middle school courses feature rigorous performance standards that students master to help prepare them for choosing a high school career pathway that interests them. The following courses are offered at Hart County Middle School. 

Middle School Business and Computer Science 

07.08300 Business and Computer Science (Grade 6)
07.08400 Business and Computer Science (Grade 7)
07.08500 Business and Computer Science (Grade 8)

The goal of these courses is to provide all middle school students with an introduction to the principles of computer science, basic keyboarding skills, internet safety and usage, and computer applications. Students will explore how personality traits and personal values align with career choices and will develop a career plan. Personal, professional, and ethical standards of behavior for the workplace will be examined and reinforced in the classroom. Development of leadership skills through participation in the career and technical student organization, FBLA, will provide students the opportunity to explore possible career pathways.

Middle School Agriculture

02.01200 Exploring Agricultural Education (Grade 6)
02.01300 Exploring Agricultural Education (Grade 7)
02.01400 Exploring Agricultural Education (Grade 8)

The goal of these courses is to provide all students with an introduction to the Agriculture Education career pathways.   The Agriculture career pathways consist of a premier learning system that delivers agricultural, environmental and leadership education programs and services.  Development of leadership skills through participation in the career and technical student organization, FFA, will provide students the opportunity to explore possible career pathways. 

Middle School Engineering and Technology

21.02100 Exploring Engineering and Technology (Grade 6)
21.02200 Invention and Innovation (Grade 7)
21.02300 Technological Systems (Grade 8)

The goal of these courses is to provide all students with an introduction to the principles of Engineering and Technology and its place in the modern world. Students will be introduced to the world of invention and innovation along with the Engineering Design Process. They will examine the impacts of invention and innovation on society and solve problems through research, design, and experimentation in one or more of the areas of Engineering and Technology. Students will utilize the universal system model including input, process, output, and feedback to examine various systems. Development of leadership skills through participation in the career and technical student organization, TSA, will provide students the opportunity to explore possible career pathways.

Middle School Family and Consumer Science

20.01100 Family and Consumer Science (Grade 6)
20.01200 Family and Consumer Science (Grade 7)
20.01300 Family and Consumer Science (Grade 8)

The goal of these courses is to provide all students with an introduction to the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) career pathways. The FACS career pathways are Nutrition and Food Science, Consumer Services, Interior and Fashion Design, and Family, Community, and Global Leadership. Education career pathways are Early Childhood Education and Teaching as a Profession. Culinary Arts is also a FACS career pathway. Students acquire fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for success in any of the career pathways. Exposure to career possibilities in each area will allow students to successfully integrate their own interests into a career path. Development of leadership skills through participation in the career and technical student organization, FCCLA, will provide students the opportunity to explore possible career pathways.