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Community Relations

Communication plays an important role in parent and community involvement. When schools develop successful communication strategies with parents, a variety of positive outcomes occur, including improvement in student achievement. Students simply do better when parents and the community are involved with schools.

Hart County schools utilize the following tools to communicate with parents:

  • System and School Websites- Our new websites will bring students, parents, and community members news and information in a more concise, consistent fashion. One of the first things you’ll notice is a uniform look and feel, whether you are at a district or school site. You will be able to find information more quickly and in many fewer clicks. You’ll also notice a responsive design feature that automatically adjusts depending on the device you’re using.
  • Peachjar eflyers- Peachjar is an electronic flyer distribution program. District-approved flyers will be emailed directly to parents. The flyers will also be available immediately on our website and on our mobile app. 
  • Hart County Schools District App- Our district app is available in iTunes and Google Play! With the app, you can view student grades, news stories, lunch menus, school events, and more. The app will be used to send important announcements and alerts to parents, and parents can use the app to contact school staff.
  • SchoolStatus- Schools in the Hart County Charter System have a new, simpler way to connect parents/guardians with teachers this year that doesn't require any logins or downloads. See these documents regarding information on how SchoolStatus works: SchoolStatus
  • Social Media- The district office and individual schools utilize social media as a communication tool. Please follow Hart County Schools on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. We also encourage students, parents, staff, and the community to use the hashtag #OneHartBeat on social media to share information with the district. Please read our Social Media Terms of Use before engaging with the Hart County Charter System on social media.
  • Traditional Media- Important information is sent to The Hartwell Sun, Anderson Independent, WKLY Radio, WLHR Radio, and HTC Channel 3. The Hart County Chamber of Commerce often publishes school announcements in their electronic newsletters, and Northeast Georgia Bank displays notices on their electronic sign in town.

Thank you for supporting your students and our schools. We are one school system, one community, and one family. We are #OneHartBeat!


All media inquires can be directed to the Office of Community Relations.


Grayson Williams, Director of Community Relations


Phone: 706-376-5141 ex.72509