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About Us

The Business and Finance Department supports Hart County Charter System faculty and staff through implementation of vital financial functions.  It is our desire to ensure that schools, teachers, and students have the necessary resources to provide educational excellence for every child. 

Our duties include:

  • Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
  • Administration of Employee Benefits
  • Administration of Leave Policies
  • Administration of Payroll
  • Certified/Classified Personnel Information (CPI)
  • Facilities Planning
  • Financial Reporting
  • Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Coordination
  • Program Support - Title I, Title II, Special Education, School Nutrition Program, Grants, SPLOST, Technology, Human Resources, Assistance to Schools 

Our department is committed to supporting the vision of the school board, superintendent, and community. 

As of November 1, the Department of Education has published its new financial data reporting tool as required by HB 139. The reporting system can be found at the this link.

HB 139 required the aggregation and publication of a variety of financial information for all school districts, such as revenue and expenditure data, capital construction costs, recent audits, and similar reports.  All of information on this site consists of data and other information which the Department already collects and in most cases published in some existing form, or which is collected and published by another department within state government such as the Department of Audits and Accounts. HB 139 required the centralization of this information into a single web site, which is the purpose of this new reporting system.

If you have any questions regarding this reporting tool or the information contained within it, please contact Amy Rowell at with the Georgia Department of Education. 

Payroll Files



Annie Skelton

Finance Director
Kayla Fleming

Payroll and Benefits Coordinator
Buffy Allen

Accounts Payable