Notice of Property Tax Increase
Notice of Property Tax Increase
The Hart County Board of Education has tentatively adopted the current millage rate of 13.156. Keeping the current millage rate the same as FY2019 will be an increase of 3.14% over the Roll-Back rate for FY2020. All concerned citizens are invited to the public hearings to be held at the Hart County Board of Education Building located at 284 Campbell Drive at 2:00 September 10, 2020 and 6:00 September 10, 2020.
The current millage rate is 13.156, an increase of 0.401 mills over the rollback rate of 12.755. The School Board is proposing to keep the current millage rate of 13.156. The proposed tax increase for a home with a fair market value of $150,000 is approximately $24.06 and the proposed tax increase for a non-homestead property with a fair market value of $125,000 is approximately $20.05.
Note: There is a specific size requirement of the notice in the legal organ: not less than 30 square inches and not to be placed in the legal notices section.